Embrace Body Image Movement: the Global Change.

Debbie Slater from keheren therapy attended an amazing and informative evening yesterday with a fabulous group of like-minded health promotors for the launch of Embrace – Body Image Movement
She would like to share the movie preview with you all:
A really informative and eye-opening evening.
“It’s an issue that affects practically every woman and girl that I know.I wasn’t tall enough, I wasn’t skinny enough, I wasn’t blonde enough, I just wasn’t enough for years.Society has been telling women to be beautiful as if that’s the most important thing they can be after I had my three children I ended up hating my body, so I trained hard and you know what? I’m standing there, in myperfect body and I’m not happy!Too much sacrifice, too much time, too much obsession and it’s just not worth it!I don’t want my daughter to feel the same way, so I’m going to go find some answers.Why do so many people hate their bodies? What can we do about it?I went through depression from hating my body. Nobody should have to style themselves to fit in with how a magazine looks.This issue was muchbigger than I ever realized: when I posted a before and after photo on Facebook, things went crazy!It made me changethe way I see myself completely: this body of mine it’s not an ornament, it’s a vehicle. It’s not the main point of life, agonising about not having a body shape that the media insists that you should be worried about.Open your arms to embrace others. Don’t waste a single day of your life being at war with your body. Just embrace it”
This is the site of the Body Image Movement, where you can join the movement, connect, start the 4-week online challenge, check the documentary and the education study guide.