The benefits of massage

The benefits of massage are so many, that they could never be listed on a single article.
However, today I’d like to list some of the main reasons I would recommend anyone get massage therapy for.
I’ve been practicing deep tissue and sports massage techniques for over 10 years to relieve muscular aches and pains.
I now have two clinics of Keheren (muscle) Therapy: one providing massage therapy in Richmond, West London and the other in Truro, Cornwall.
I use Hydrotherm massage. It differs from any traditional massage, in which the client remains on the back for the entire treatment.
With the Hydrotherm system, you can massage any part of that body without having to roll over. This allows a greater spinal alignment. The client keeps a good posture in the anatomical position, and the warmth of the cushions helps the muscles relax. The depth of massage is also bigger because of the client’s own body weight.
The benefits of massage are physical and physiological.
In fact, it is not only a fantastic relaxation tool. It can also be used to ease muscular aches and pains.
Massage can treat many minor injuries quickly and effectively.
The National Institute of Clinical Evidence (NICE) recommends massage in its guidance for health care professionals when treating lower back pain, particularly in conjunction with exercise.
Actually, I see myself as a pain detective.
I can understand problem areas on clients through my knowledge of our muscular system, and particularly:
- how our muscles work,
- their function,
- how they respond to injury.
Many people call these problem areas as “knots” (even if, to have a knot we need two ends tied together, and it would be amazing if our muscles could do that…!)
Massage helps in the case of adhesions.
Normally, muscle fibers glide along smoothly next to each other. Instead, in case of an injury, they become stuck together. Massage can help break these down, improve the blood flow into the area to allow the muscle to perform its normal functions.
Massage helps improve recovery of soft tissue injuries and increases flexibility.
Here are a couple of examples of ailments massage can help:
Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome
Intense Massage strokes can be beneficial to elongate your IT band with Sports Massage. A treatment in conjunction with the muscles that control the tension on the iliotibial band, such as the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus can be extremely beneficial.
Shin splints
The tibialis anterior muscle is the only muscle that strongly lifts the foot. Also, through an eccentric contraction, it slowly lowers the forefoot as your heel hits the ground. For runners running on hard surfaces, therefore, the strain of preventing the foot being slapped on the ground can cause significant stress on this muscle. Sports Massage can help relieve tension in this muscle.
Regular massage has been shown to reduce blood pressure, particularly in the prehypertensive phase.
Also, reduction in stress as a result of massage is undeniable – and shown in many research articles.
People have been using massage as stress relief ever since forever!

Our adrenal glands release cortisol, the stress hormone, in response to fear or stress as part of the fight-or-flight mechanism.
- Exercise,
- mindfulness,
- being connected socially
- and with ourselves
have all been proven to reduce the dangerous cortisol levels. This makes massage the perfect choice!
A 2010 study found that a single Swedish massage had a significant effect on biological functions in comparison to lighter touch massages.
This highlights that massage may have an effect on autoimmune conditions, too.
If you’d like to try the many benefits of massage therapy, contact us for more information or book online a session here!